Oak Mountain – Inverness – Greystone – Pelham Area
The BUSA South area teams are made up of players from the schools in the area. These would be Oak Mountain Elementary, Oak Mountain Interediate, Oak Mountain Middle, Inverness, and Greystone. Practices for these teams are mixed between Heardmont Park and Dunnavant Valley Fields. Every effort is made to place players on teams with location of residence in mind, so transit it minimal.
All U9 and older players typically practice at Dunnavant Valley fields, and play home games there as well. Away games are played at the other club fields in the Birmingham area. The younger teams, U6-U8 ages, will practice at Heardmont Park.
We have an office in the BUSA South area located at the Heardmont Park, in the Heardmont House. This is the small house between the stadium and the Senior Center.
For Player Registration, please find your Program in the Program List, and click there to locate the Player Registration Link.
For more information you may contact the Recreational Director, Jim Jeter at Rec@birminghamunited.com. Or 205-529-2941.