The ECNL created the ECNL Regional Leagues as an important platform addition for players and clubs to fuel the development of their players and to provide a proving ground in competition.
We are proud to announce that we will be joining ECRL from U13 and above age groups for the 2022 season and beyond.
ECRL will be replacing our existing SCCL model for our 2nd teams. SCCL will still be a part of the club pathway for our Top U12 age group and available for more competitive-minded teams seeking more than the Alabama state league. (see our graphics below)
We believe that ECRL is designed to service our deeper player pools along with streamlining the pathway for our player advancement within the club. Aligning with an exclusive league like ECRL will continue to create a target-rich environment for college placement. Adding ECRL to our pathway will help with passing players between our ECNL and ECRL teams due to both leagues being under the same umbrella.
The ECRL platform will be growing significantly in 2021-22, providing additional resources and college showcase competitions to more players, coaches, and clubs around the country.
Benefits of ECRL
- ECRL Only Age-based showcase events-exclusive to ECRL clubs in conjunction with ECNL events to maximize college coach exposure
- ECRL Pathway to post Season play
- Support via ECNL/ECRL admin staff countrywide along with tools like ECRL App via iPhone and Android as well as support programs via showcase events and National sponsorship via Nike/Puma
- Ease of Club passing between ECRL to ECNL rosters
Ages and Fees
- Trg Months = 9
- Trg Months = 5
Pathway in Graphics
What age groups will participate in ECRL?
u13, u14, u15, u16, u17, u18 Boys and Girls
What’s the pathway for the U12s?
The U-12’s will continue to play in the SCCL like our teams have done the past few years, along with top teams like Atlanta United, Concord, GSA, and others.
Our goal is to have at least 2 teams of each gender at the U-12 SCCL level click here
How do we TRYOUT?
For tryout, info Click Here or in Season Evaluations contact Director of Coaching Ben Parks
Can an ECRL Player play high school?
Yes ECRL like ECNL allows players to play and participate in high school soccer
Alabama FC/Birmingham United Soccer Association and Legion FC have entered into a partnership agreement.
As part of the Legion FC Experience, All registered recreational players will receive the following:
- Field access at Protective Stadium before and/or after Legion FC games on dates selected by Legion FC;
- A Legion FC / BUSA/AFC co-branded t-shirt;
- Attendance at the Legion FC clinic at Protective Stadium with Legion FC coaches and players;
- Legion FC Academy Coach and/or Legion FC players to have training sessions each Monday night during fall and spring for ECNL and ECRL
- A ten percent (10%) discount on Legion FC merchandise;
- Four (4) season tickets per BUSA/AFC player