TEMPSTAR Heating and Cooling Products Hotline # 205-969-8729
Field Status is updated daily by 3 PM. If the web site update has an old date showing, and it is after 3 PM, please CALL the TempStar Heating and Cooling Products hotline 205-969-8729. Hotline updates are the priority for field status.
Please do not call to get update status before this time. Many days require waiting until the fields can be physically evaluated before a status can be made. Sometimes approaching weather and storms require waiting until the last possible moments to update in order to make a sound and safe decision on training or playing games that evening.
Please abide by field status and stay off fields when closed.
When training in the off seasons, please check field status each time you visit a field. This is due to maintenance that may be happening on fields, and therefore the field may be closed, even though the weather is favorable.