The Soccer-Golf Tournament honors one of our former Altamont School and BUSA soccer players, Lily Rushton.
Lily lost her battle to brain cancer 10 years ago. During her treatment Coach Gibson and Coach Matt Kirkpatrick would go play Soccer-Golf with her as she could no longer play the game that she loved and was so good at. It was a time where she could escape and enjoy competing again. We started this event 1 year after she passed to honor her, raise awareness about pediatric cancer and provide an opportunity for other kids battling pediatric cancer to come join us. It has been a time for them to play and help celebrate life and take their minds off of the treatment.
It has been a great family event that many from all over the city attend. You do not have to be a soccer player or golfer to enjoy in the fun. There will be live music, food, prizes, and swag to give out.
In case you have not played soccer-golf before it is simply seeing how many kicks it takes to reach the hole. The person with the least kicks wins. For the tournament we will do best overall score per team.
Please see the attached flyer with more info. Please also help spread the word to anyone you think may be interested in joining us and let me know if you have any questions.
You can go to the following website to sign up: