As a Players First licensed club, and in light of current events, we have a valuable opportunity to participate in a FREE, exclusive @home Virtual Skills Contest powered by TopYa!. This program enables us to keep both player health & safety AND player development as the top priorities they are, even in these challenging times.
Here’s how it works:
- Players watch exclusive P1 soccer skill videos in the TopYa! Soccer app, then they practice the skills and upload videos of them completing each skill.
- Each player receives personalized feedback on every video they submit from TopYa!’s expert team of Virtual Coaches.
- Players will get points for each approved skill video to climb the contest leaderboard for weekly prizes!
Step 1: Get the App
Go to
Select the button labeled “Join the Contest,” and select our club
On the next screen, enter your phone number to receive a text message containing a link to download or open the TopYa! Soccer app (iOS or Android)
Step 2: Set Up Your Account
If you already have the TopYa! Soccer app and a Player account:
- Following the text link will open the TopYa! Soccer app where you can log into your account
- From the Invite Code screen, select the blue “Save” button at the bottom, then select your club
- Go to the Skills Academy and get started!
If you do not have the TopYa! Soccer app and a Player account:
- Following the link in the text message will direct you to download the app (App Store or Google Play)
- Once you have the app, create a Player account*
- Head to the Skills Academy and get started!
*NOTE: Any player under the age of 13 is required to be associated with a TopYa! Parent account, for COPPA compliance (safety and privacy). When a U13 or younger player downloads the app and creates an account, the parent will also be prompted to make an account. Once the Parent and Player accounts have been created, your child can participate in the contest!
Step 3: Develop Your Skills
Once you’re in the Skills Academy, you’ll find exclusive P1 skills and other soccer skill videos. We’re excited to be able to offer this program, and to see each of you have fun spending time with the ball!
The fine print and important info:
- The contest runs March 16 through April 15
- While this is a free contest, there are in-app purchase options where players can purchase additional skills content to work on. Again, this is by no means required and most players will not even see the purchasable content options.
- Any player under the age of 13 is required to have an associated parent account in the TopYa! Soccer app. This is for safety and privacy compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.